Pavsič Department of Theoretical Physics J. Stefan Institute Jamova 39 SI-1001 Ljubljana Slovenia |
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Book The Landscape of Theoretical Physics: A Global View
From Point Particles to the
Brane World and Beyond, in
Search of a Unifying Principle
More information on the bookKluwer Academic Publishers, DordrechtHardbound, ISBN 0-7923-7006-6
June 2001, 388 pp.
My principal directions of research
- Phase Space Action for Minimal Surfaces of any Dimension in Curved Spacetime
Physics Letters B 197 (1987) 327-331
- Generalizaztion of the BDHP String Action to Membranes of any Dimension in Curved Spacetime
Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 (1988) 247-252
- Classical Motion of membranes, Strings and Point Particles with Extrinsic Curvature
Physics Letters B 205 (1988) 231-236
- The Quantization of a Point Particle with Extrinsic Curvature Leads to the Dirac Equation
Physics Letters B 221 (1989) 264-268
An explanation of how spinors can be represented as wave functions with half integer values of ``orbital momentum'' in velocity space can be found here(see also D. Pandres, Jr., Schrödinger Basis for Spinor Representation of the Three-Dimensional Rotation Group, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 6 (1965) 1098-1102)
- On the Consistent Derivation of Rigid Particles from Strings
Classical and Quantum Gravity 7 (1990) L187-L191
- Point Particle-Like Action for p-Branes
Classical and Quantum Gravity 9 (1992) L13-L20
- Dirac's Shell Model of the Electron and the General Theory of Moving Relativistic Charged Membranes (with A.O. Barut)
Physics Letters B 306 (1993) 49-54
- Radiation Reaction and the Electromagnetic Energy-Momentum of Moving Relativistic Charged Membranes (with A.O. Barut)
Physics Letters B 331 (1994) 45-50
We point out that the well known problem of the factor 3/4 does not exist in the properly formulated theory of electron's mass.
- Point Particle with Extrinsic Curvature as a Boundary of a Nambu-Goto String: Classical and Quantum Model Particle-Like Action for p-Branes
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 26 (2016) 315-352
- A non-trivial zero length limit of the Nambu-Goto string
Physics Letters B 740 (2015) 329-334
- A New Approach to the Classical and Quantum Dynamics of Branes
International Journal of Modern Physics A 31 (2016) 1650115
- Branes and Quantized Fields
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 845 (2017) 012018 (27 pages)
In 1986 I switched entirely to the approach which employs the minimal surface action and is roughly similar to the modern ``brane world'' models.
Some of my old papers on ``Brane World":- My paper Einstein's Gravity from a First Order Lagrangian in an Embedding space
Physics Letters A 116 (1986) 1-5 is available as e-print gr-qc/0101075 An Alternative to Matter Localization in the `Brane World': An Early Proposal and its Later Improvements
The body of the paper is identical to the published version: a footnote is added, and a note at the end
- String Model for General Relativity and Canonical Formalism for Minimal Surfaces
Nuovo Cimento A 95 (1986) 297-310
- The Embedding Model of Induced Gravity with Bosonic Sources
Foundations of Physics 24 (1994) 1495-1518
A shorter version of the paper was published in Gravitation and Cosmology 2 (1996) 1-6; e-print gr-qc/9511020
- Space-Time as an Unconstrained Membrane
Gravitation and Cosmology 3 (1997) 305-311
- On the Resolution of Time Problem in Quantum Gravity induced from Unconstrained Membranes
Foundations of Physics 26 (1996) 159-195
Book: The Landscape of Theoretical Physics: A Global View
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2001).
It discusses - among others- Clifford Algebra and its usefulness in the description of geometry and physics.- Clifford Algebra Based Polydimensional Relativity and Relativistic Dynamics Talk given at IARD 2000 Conference: 2nd Biennial Meeting, Ramat Gan, Israel, 26-28 June 2000
Foundations of Physics 31 (2001) 1185-1209
e-print: hep-th/0011216
- Higher Derivative Gravity and Torsion from the Geometry of C-spaces (with C. Castro)
Physics Letters B 539 (2002) 133-142
e-print : hep-th/0110079
- Clifford Algebra of Spacetime and the Conformal Group (with C. Castro)
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 42(2003) 1693-1705
e-print: hep-th/0203194
- How the Geometric Calculus Resolves the Ordering Ambiguity of Quantum Theory in Curved Space
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (2003) 2697-2714
e-Print : gr-qc/0111092
- Clifford Space as the Arena for Physics Presented at IARD 2002 Conference: 3rd Biennial Meeting, Washington, D.C., 24-26 Jun 2002
Foundations of Physics 33 (2003) 1277-1306
e-print : gr-qc/0211085
- Kaluza-Klein Theory without Extra Dimensions: Curved Clifford Space
Physics Letter B 614 (2005) 85-95
e-print: hep-the/0412255- Clifford space as a generalization of spacetime: Prospects for QFT of point particles and strings.
Foundations of Physics 35 (2005) 1617-1642
e-Print: hep-th/0501222
- Spin gauge theory of gravity in Clifford space: A Realization of Kaluza-Klein theory in 4-dimensional spacetime
International Journal of Modern Physics A 21 (2006) 5905-5956
e-print: gr-qc/0507053
- On a Unified Theory of Generalized Branes Coupled to Gauge Fields, Including the Gravitational and Kalb-Ramond Fields
Foundations of Physics 37 (2007) 1197-1242
e-print: hep-th/0605126
In 1998 I realized that the relativistic dynamics with an invariant evolution parameter as has
been investigated by many researchers (Fock, Feynman, Schwinger, Horwitz, Fanchi, etc.) is in fact automatically embedded in the Clifford algebra based polydimensional relativity. This was explored in my book "The Landscape...", and the paper "Clifford Algebra Based Polydimensional Relativity..." cited above.
Below are listed some of my papers on relativity and invariant evolution parameter
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory with Invariant Evolution Parameter
Nuovo Cimento A 104 (1991) 1337-1354
- On the Interpretation of the Relativistic Quantum Mechanics with Invariant Evolution Parameter
Foundations of Physics 21 (1991) 1005-1019
- The Classical and Quantum Theory of Relativistic p-Branes without Constraints
Nuovo Cimento A 108 (1995) 221-236
- Relativistic p-Branes without Constraints and their Relation to the Wiggly Extended Objects
Foundations of Physics 25 (1995) 819-832
- Fock-Schwinger Proper Time Formalism for p-Branes
Nuclear Physics Proc.Suppl. 57 (1997)265-268
- The Dirac-Nambu-Goto p-Branes as Particular Solutions to a Generalized, Unconstrained Theory
Nuovo Cimento A 110 (1997) 369-396
- The Unconstrained Stueckelberg-Like Membrane's Action as a Reduced Dirac-Nambu-Goto Action
Physics Letters A 242 (1998) 187-192
- Geometric Spinors, Generalized Dirac Equation and Mirror Particles Conference: C13-06-24.8 e-Print: arXiv:1310.6566 [hep-th]
- Unified Theory of Gravitation and Electromagnetism, based on the Conformal Group SO(4,2)
Nuovo Cimento B 41 (1977) 397-427
- Solution of the Planck Mass problem in Kaluza-Klein Theories
Journal of Physics G 8 (1982) L89-L92
- Kaluza-Klein Approach to the Classical Model of the Dirac Electron (with A.O Barut)
Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 (1988) 707-711
- A Systematic Study of 5-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory with Sources Consisting of Point Particles and Strings (with N.Mankoč-Borstnik)
Nuovo Cimento A 99 (1988) 489-507
- Klein-Gordon-Wheeler-DeWitt-Schroedinger Equation
Physics Letters B 703 (2011) 614-619 doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2011.08.041
e-Print: arXiv:1106.2017 [gr-qc]
- On the Stueckelberg Like Generalization of General Relativity
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 330 (2011) 012011 (13 pages) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/330/1/012011
e-Print: arXiv:1104.2462 [math-ph]
- Stable Self-Interacting Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator
Modern Physics Letters A 28 (2013) 1350165 DOI: 10.1142/S0217732313501654
e-Print: arXiv:1302.5257 [gr-qc] | PDF
- A Non-Trivial Zero Length Limit of the Nambu-Goto String
Physics Letters B 740 (2015) 329-334 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.12.009
e-Print: arXiv:1407.7111 [hep-th]
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