Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
Sunday will be devoted to Hadron spectra and effective quark-quark interaction
(Speakers: Glozman, Plessas, Papp).
Monday: Nucleon-nucleon interaction... (Speakers: Fujiwara, Kukulin, Stancu).
Tuesday: Two-meson and two-baryon systems (Several speakers and contributors).
Further programme will be composed when we meet.
For the programme consult also the web-page of the workshop:
http://www-f1.ijs.si/Bled2000 (note capital B).
It will be periodically updated.
At the breaks, we shall often go together swimming, paddling, walking and
hiking. You are advised to bring your swimming suites and comfortable
walking and/or hiking shoes.
In the Evenings, there will be violin concerts (Festival of young violinists).
The temperature will probably be 26-30 degrees (lake: 24), but there may
be a cold front (one or few days) when some warmer clothing and an umbrella
is needed.
In Villa Plemelj at Bled, a PC computer with access to INTERNET
and a small xerox will be available.
For talks, an overhead projector will be available.