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      Matej Pavsic  - Curriculum Vitae

1965   Finished II. Gymnasium of Ljubljana - classical studies

1971   Graduated in physics, University of Ljubljana

1971   Research assistant, J. Stefan Institute (IJS), Ljubljana

1974   Received a prize of the Boris Kidric Fund, Ljubljana

1975   Master degree, University of Ljubljana

1976   One year specialization at the Istituto di Fisica Teorica, Università di Catania,
           Catania, Italy (with E. Recami).  Collaboration also with prof. P. Caldirola from
           Milano and prof. V.D. Sabbata from Bologna.

1979   PhD (Unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism, based on the
           conformal group SO(4,2)), University of Ljubljana (supervisors E.Recami and
           P. Caldirola)

1983   Research collaborator II,  IJS

1986   Beginning of the collaboration with prof. A.O. Barut (University of Bolder, USA).
           Regular visits to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

1987   Research collaborator I,  IJS

1993   Visiting professor at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, State University
           of Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil (from November 1993 to July 1994)
            Collaboration with W.A. Rodrigues, Jr.

1995   Higher scientific collaborator, IJS

2007  Scientific counselor,  IJS


Some non professional interests

A trip to Velika planina, Slovenia,  29 August, 2004

More pictures

Some pictures from St. Oswald (Bad Kleinkirheim, Austria) 27 Feb.- 6 March 2005  

Some more formal pictures (December 2006): Picture 1Picture 2      

Katja on surf August 2010

Tjasa 4 September 2010

