Higher-Order Topology & Dynamics in Complex Networks
Satellite Symposium within NetSci2022

11 July & 13 July, 2022 ONLINE
M O N D A Y, 11th July 2022 W E D N E S D A Y, 13th July 2022
CET Satellite Symposium HOTDyn CET Satellite Symposium HOTDyn
14:00- 14:30 S. Boccaletti: Structure, processes and dynamics of networks with higher order interactions 14:00- 14:30 S. Dorogovtsev: Rich phase diagrams for networks with overlapping layers
14:30- 15:00 M. Boguna: Topological phase transitions in the geometric configuration model 14:30- 15:00 M. M. Dankulov: Higher-distance connectivity portraits and spectral dimension of human connectomes
15:00- 15:30 G. Bianconi: The dynamics of higher-order networks: the effect of topology and triadic interactions 15:00- 15:30 G. Palla: The inherent community structure of hyperbolic networks
15:30- 16:00 M. Chutani: Patterns of phase synchronization on high-diemnsional simplicial complexes
L. Calmon: Dirac Synchronization: explosive transition and rhythmic phase
15:30- 16:00 D. Sulem: Graph similarity learning for change-point detection in dynamic networks
H. Sun: Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
16:00- 16:30 M. Marsili: Simplicity calls for higher order interactions in statistical learning 16:00- 16:30 A. Shapoval: Random transport of stress to provide the prediction efficiency in sandpiles
16:30- 17:00 G. Odor: Higher-order interactions generate mixed order phase transition and Griffiths phases on heterogeneous complex networks 16:30- 17:00 J. Lee/B. Kahng: (k,q)-core percolation of hypergraphs
N.Araujo: Optimal nets for self-folding Kirigami
17:00- 17:30 M. Small: Link prediction and fault detection for structured engineered networks 17:00- 17:30 D. Ghosh: Higher-order interactions promote chimera and synchronization states
17:30- 18:00 P. Kakin: Self-organized criticality: renormalization group analysis of a simple model that elucidates interplay between intrinsic dynamics and external disturbances 17:30- 18:00 B.Tadic: Spin-reversal dynamics on simplicial complexes: Impact of the geometric frustration and higher-order couplings
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