T U E S D A Y, 11th July 2023 |
W E D N E S D A Y, 12th July 2023 |
Chair: B. Tadic |
15:00- 15:30 |
M. Angeles Serrano: Detecting the ultra low dimensionality of real networks |
15:30- 16:00 |
Deniz Eroglu: Reconstruction of Complex Networks Dynamics from Data: Emergent Higher-Order Interactions and Critical Phenomena |
16:00- 16:30 |
Alexandre Morozov: From networks to spin glasses: Machine learning and statistical inference in discrete systems through the lens of random walks |
16:30- 17:10 |
Ofer Biham: The distribution of cover times of random walks on random regular graphs
Taksu Cheon*: Phase transition in urban agglomeration and segregation
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Stefano Boccaletti: The transition to synchronization of networked systems lecture is presented within main conference on Monday 10.July at 15:00-15:30, Room 2 |
17:10- 17:30
C O F F E E - B R E A K |
17:10- 17:30 |
C O F F E E - B R E A K
Chair: M.M. Dankulov |
Chair: N. Gupte
17:30- 18:00 |
Cinzia Soresina: Cross-diffusion-induced instability on networks |
17:30- 18:00 |
Geza Odor: Higher-order interactions generate mixed order phase transition and Griffiths phases on heterogeneous complex networks |
18:00- 18:30 |
Alexander Shapoval : Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sandpile as the Mechanism that Generates the 1/x Power-Law and the 1/f Spectrum |
18:00- 18:30 |
Marija Mitrovic Dankulov: Complex networks analysis of time-series data: finding patterns in socio-economic systems
18:30 - 19:30 |
Aljaz Draskovic-Bracun: Acoustic metafluids based on random microstructure networks
Jan Moelter: Preserving Bifurcations through Moment Closures
Maria Letizia Bertotti: Innovation diffusion and Bass model on complex networks
18:30- 19:30 |
X. San Liang: Measuring the importance of individual units to the structure integrity of a complex network
Jaroslav Hlinka: Hidden geometry of brain dynamics revealed by persistent homology
Marcin Watorek: Decomposition of cross-correlation networks by means of q-MST
19:30- 20:00 |
Neelima Gupte: Climate network analysis of extreme events: Tropical Cyclones
19:30- 20:10 |
Bosiljka Tadic: Emergence of modulated cycles in critical dynamics