J. Stefan Institute

Department of Theoretical Physics (F-1)


Seminars 2004



Title and Abstract

9. 12. 2004

dr. Matej Pavsic

O Cliffordovi algebri in kvantni teoriji polja. 2. del

25. 11. 2004

dr. Matej Pavsic

O Cliffordovi algebri in kvantni teoriji polja

28. 10. 2004

prof. dr. Bojan Golli

Elektroprodukcija pionov v formalizmu matrike K

14. 10. 2004

Jernej Kamenik

Porocilo s poletne sole CESPP 2004 13.-24. 9., Praga, Ceska

7. 10. 2004

prof. dr. Svjetlana Fajfer

Porocilo o konferenci BEACH 04

30. 9. 2004

Dr. Jure Zupan

Dolocitev kotov alfa in gama v CKM trikotniku - pregled.

9. 9. 2004

Prof. dr. Mitja Rosina
and dr. Rajmund Krivec

Nekaj zanimivosti z 19. evropske konference o problemih malo teles v fiziki (Groningen, Nizozemska).

1. 7. 2004

Dr. Matej Pavsic

Porocilo s konference: IARD 2004 Conference: 4th Biennial Meeting, 12-19 June 2004, Saas Fee, Switzerland.

29. 4. 2004

Prof. Antonio Aurilia
California State Polytechnic University
Pomona, USA

Generalized Maxwell Fields: an overview.

22. 4. 2004

Dr. Damir Becirevic
Laboratoire de Physique Theorique
Universite de Paris Sud (Centre d`Orsay)
Orsay cedex, France

The CKM Matrix Reloaded. The amount of the CP violation coming from the hadronic sector of the Standard model can be estimated by evaluating the precise shape of the CKM matrix elements. Recent experimental and theoretical progress requires a careful revision of the entries in that matrix. I will show why the errors on the value of the Cabbibo angle are underestimated and explain how one can improve them theoretically, show the new theory prediction and send the ball back to experimenters. Further improvement in the chiral behavior of the B^0-\bar B^0 mixing amplitude is also discussed.

15. 4. 2004

Dr. Jure Zupan

Izmeriti CKM kot gama iz B0 -> D KS.

8. 4. 2004

Dr. Rachel Jeannerot
The Abdus Salam ICPT
Trieste, Italy

Supersymmetric hybrid inflation. Supersymmetric hybrid inflation is one of the best motivated scenario from a particle physics point of view. It arises naturally in supersymmetric grand unified theories. In the standard scenario, spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs at the end of inflation and topological defects form. Therefore the GUT gauge group must break down to the standard model via at least one intermediate gauge symmetry to solve the monopole problem. All models compatible with observations lead to the formation of cosmic strings at the end of inflation.  In order to solve the monopole problem in GUTs which break directly down to the standard model, one can use shifted hybrid inflation. The GUT symmetry is already broken during inflation, and no defect form at the end. Specific model based on the Pati-Salam gauge group will be discussed. The inflaton field at the end of inflation decays into right-handed (s)neutrinos reheating the universe and leptogenesis takes place. The model is consitent with experimental data on CMB, neutrinos oscillations and nucleosynthesis.

18. 3. 2004

dr. Matej Pavsic

O splosnih nacelih fizike membran.

29. 1. 2004

prof. dr. Norma Mankoc  

Novo upanje za Kaluza-Kleinove teorije.

15. 1. 2004

Damijan Janc

Tezki tetrakvark. Porocilo o tekocem delu.

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M. Pavsic (organizer)
J. Kamenik (maintainer)