Solid-state group seminars archive

1.3.2016 15h (cajna soba) Robert Triebl (Graz), Breakdown of the bulk boundary correspondence in a strongly correlated model Hamiltonian

In this talk I will give a short introduction to topology in general and to the influence of strong correlations on a topological model Hamiltonian in particular. The first part will be about the definition of topological invariants, how to compute them and what changes in case of strong interactions. Then I will turn to the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model, in particular focusing on the competition between topological and magnetic order. Both bulk and ribbon Green's functions have been calculated using the variational cluster approach, employing a two-site dynamical impurity approximation (DIA). The resulting invariants are compared to the existence of gapless edge states of the ribbon, where we use a site-dependent antiferromagnetic Weiss field on the ribbon. It turns out that spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs locally at the edges already at much smaller interactions than in the middle of the ribbon, leading to a gap in the edge spectral function. As a consequence, the topological invariant defined in the bulk may not correspond to the existence of gapless edge states since time reversal invariance is locally broken only at the edges. Eventually, I will compare the results to Mean-Field approximations using in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic moments, showing that the direction has a huge influence on the correct topological description. Full abstract (.pdf)
2.10.2015 11h (seminarska soba) Ian Affleck (UBC), From string theory to quantum dots experiments

Part of the string theory revolution of the 1980's was the development of conformal field theory. While its applicability as a theory of everything is still unclear, it led to solutions of models of conduction electrons interacting with magnetic impurities that predict remarkable behavior. A gated semi-conductor device was tailored to finally provide an indisputable experimental realization of this theory. I will give a non-technical review of both theory and experiments. Full abstract (.pdf)

22.9.2015 15h00 (seminarska soba) Alaska Subedi (MPI Hamburg), Theory of nonlinear phononics for coherent light-control of solids

The use of light to control the structural and electronic properties of solids is an area of great interest for both basic research and potential applications. In this talk, I will present our recent work on a microscopic theory for ultrafast control of solids with high-intensity mid-infrared pulses. Our theory predicts the dynamical path taken by the crystal lattice using first principles calculations of the energy surface and classical equations of motion, as well as symmetry considerations. We identify two classes of dynamics. In the perturbative regime, displacements along the normal mode coordinate of the symmetry preserving Raman active mode can be achieved by cubic anharmonicities. This explains the light-induced insulator-to-metal transition in manganites observed experimentally. Furthermore, we predict a new regime in which ultra-fast instabilities that break crystal symmetry can be induced. This non-perturbative effect involves a quartic anharmonic coupling and occurs above a critical threshold below which the nonlinear dynamics of the driven mode displays softening and dynamical stabilization. Full abstract (.pdf)

8.9.2015 15h00 (cajna soba F1) Takami Tohyama (Dep. of Applied physics, Tokio University of Science), A numerical method to compute optical conductivity based on the pump-probe simulations and its application to the hall-filled one-dimensional extended Hubbard model

A numerical method to calculate optical conductivity based on a pump-probe setup is discussed [1]. Its validity and limits are demonstrated both in equilibrium and out of equilibrium. By employing either a step-like or a Gaussian-like probing vector potential, it is found that in nonequilibrium, the method can be related to the linear response theory [2] or a different generalized Kubo formula [3], respectively. The observation reveals the probe-pulse dependence of the optical conductivity in nonequilibrium The numerical method is applied to nonequilibrium optical responses in the various phases of the hall-filled one-dimensional extended Hubbard model [4,5]. [1] C. Shao, T. Tohyama, H.-G. Luo, and H. Lu, arXiv:1507.01200 [2] Z. Lenarcic, D. Golez, J. Bonca, and P. Prelovsek, Phys. Rev. B 89, 125123 (2014). [3] G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, E. A. Nowadnick, T. P. Devereaux, A. S. Mishchenko, and N. Nagaosa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 176402 (2012). [4] H. Lu, C. Shao, J. Bonca, D. Manske, and T. Tohyama, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245117 (2015). [5] N. Bittner, T. Tohyama, D. Manske, in preparation. Full abstract (.pdf)

23.6.2015 15h00 (cajna soba F1) Ambroz Kregar (F1-IJS), Single-qubit transformations of spin-charge states of electron on a ring in presence of Rashba coupling

Quantum dots in semiconductor heterojunctions are one of the most suitable candidates for realization of quantum computer. Their advantages are long spin coherence times of electrons in semiconductor, well developed technology of their production and simple scalability, to only name a few. Traditionally, magnetic field is used to manipulate spin, but since it is difficult to use it to address single quantum dot, we seek different ways to control it. In our work we theoretically study the possibility of using only electric field to manipulate spin-charge states in quantum dot. The system of interest is an electron in ring shaped quantum dot, entrapped with external gate potential, enabling a controlled movement of the electron around the ring. By considering the potential as parabolic, we can analytically solve the Schrdinger equation with time dependent position of poten- tial and adiabatically changing Rashba coupling. Spin degenerate ground states of harmonic oscillator, interpreted as qubit states, are transformed with unitary transformation, which can be presented as a rotation of points on Bloch sphere. We show that the axis of rotation depends on strength of Rashba coupling while the angle of rotation is controlled by the shift in position of the electron. Proper selection of translations of electron with suitable Rashba coupling enables an arbitrary single-qubit transformation on the time scale of 10 ns, allowing a few thousand transformation before spin coherence is lost. Full abstract (.pdf)

27.1.2015: Zala Lenarcic (F1-IJS), Charge recombination in excited one-dimensional organic Mott insulators

Recent femtosecond pump-probe experiments on Mott-Hubbard insulators reveal charge recombination, which is in picosecond range, much faster than in clean band- gap semiconductors. I will present our proposal for the mechanism that explain the recombination in effectively one-dimensional organic salt ET-F 2TCNQ. I will show that fast recombination processes can be explained even quantitatively assuming that charge energy is transmitted to molecular vibrations. As suggested by experiments it is assumed that effectively positive (holon) and negative charge excitations (doublon) are bound in an exciton. Based on a model that ensure the existence of exciton and couples the charge to vibrations we can express the recombination rate analytically. At a reasonable coupling to vibrations the observed recombination rate is reproduced. I will comment also the sub-leading effect of spin background, which is for one-dimensional systems decoupled from charge.
Full abstract (.pdf)

3.2.2015: Ziga Osolin (F1-IJS), Fine structure of spectra in antiferromagnetic phase of the Kondo lattice model

We study the antiferromagnetic phase of the Kondo lattice model on bipartite lattices at half-filling using the dynamical mean-field theory with numerical renormalization group as the impurity solver, focusing on the detailed structure of the spectral function, self-energy, and optical conductivity. We discuss the deviations from the simple hybridization picture, which adequately describes the overall band structure of the system (four quasiparticle branches in the reduced Brillouin zone), but neglects all effects of the inelastic-scattering processes. These lead to additional structure inside the bands, in particular asymmetric resonances or dips that become more pronounced in the strong-coupling regime close to the antiferromagnet-paramagnetic Kondo insulator quantum phase transition.
Full abstract (.pdf)

27.2.2015: Jure Kokalj (F1-IJS), Effects of strong electronic correlations on thermal expansion

Many strongly correlated electron systems show poorly understood anomalies in the thermal expansion coefficient as well as in other properties related to lattice softening, e.g., in the sound velocity. In this talk I will present our work towards understanding these properties by focusing on electronic effects in the prototype strongly correlated material; organic charge transfer salts. I will start with the motivation from different experiments and continue with the introduction of a general theoretical framework. Then I will move on to the electronic contribution for strongly correlated electron model (Hubbard on anisotropic triangular lattice) and finish with the discussion of results and future challenges.
Full abstract (.pdf)

26.3.2015: Tilen Cadez (University of Braga, University of Lisbone, Portugal, Beijing Computational Research Center, and F1- IJS ), Intrinsic versus proximity induced zero energy modes in a superconductor with a ferromagnetic adatom chain

Recently an experiment was reported, where localized zero energy modes were observed in the system of a ferromagnetic adatoms on top of a conventional superconductor using scanning tunneling microscope. The results indicate the detection of the Majorana zero energy states. After a short presentation of the experiment I will present a simple 1D system, Kitaev chain, where the unpaired Majorana fermions are found at the end of a quantum wire. In the main part I will present the Majorana zero energy modes (MZEM) that occur in a conventional superconductor with a ferromagnetic adatom chain in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction. I will assume a classical adatom magnetic moments and consider both proximity induced and intrinsic superconducting order.By exactly solving Bogoliubov de Gennes (BdG) equations in real space, I identify parametric regimes with the zero energy modes, which occur in both cases. In comparison to proximity induced superconductivity, is the region with MZEM shifted from the band edge to smaller chemical potential. This is connected to the decrease of the average gap function with increasing chemical potential. I will discuss similarities and differences between the MZEM for the two superconducting orders.
Full abstract (.pdf)

27.3.2015: Jacek Herbrych (Heraklion, Grece), Laser controlled magnetization within large anisotropy S = 1 chain

Time evolution of the magnetization within large anisotropy S = 1 Heisenberg chain and circularly polarized laser (rotating magnetic filed) is studied numerically and analytically. Results with constant laser frequency Omega= Omega0 are interpreted in terms of absorption lines of electronic spin resonance spectrum. It is also shown that time dependent laser frequency Omega=Omega(t), the called chirping of the laser, is better protocol in order to get larger value of the magnetization or to magnetize the system fast. Both of the protocols yield orders of magnitude larger Mz for Hamiltonian with D > J than for adequate setups for Halden-like systems D < J. Furthermore, comparison of large anisotropy D results with with two level toy model give satisfactory agreement.

Full abstract (.pdf)
30.3.2015 (14:30, cajna soba): Federico Becca (SISSA), Variational wave functions for correlated electron systems

I give a review of recent developments on the possibility to describe strongly- interacting systems by variational wave functions obtained by inserting electron- electron correlation on top of Slater determinants. In this regard, both Jastrow and backflow terms are considered.[1,2] The former one is the generalization of the Gutzwiller (soft) projection to include long-range density-density correlations and is nowadays widely used; instead, backflow terms have been defined and introduced only quite recently in strongly-interacting lattice models and make it possible to include electron-electron correlation in the Slater determinant.[3] I discuss the accuracy of this approach for both weak and strong couplings and how it is possible to describe the metal-insulator transition, as well as the Mott insulator. Applications for the Hubbard model on frustrated lattices will be presented in the following talk by L.F. Tocchio.[4,5] [1] M. Capello, F. Becca, M. Fabrizio, S. Sorella, and E. Tosatti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 026406 (2005). [2] L.F. Tocchio, F. Becca, A. Parola, and S. Sorella, Phys. Rev. B 78, 041101 (2008). [3] L.F. Tocchio, F. Becca, and C. Gros, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195138 (2011). [4] L.F. Tocchio, H. Feldner, F. Becca, R. Valenti, and C. Gros, Phys. Rev. B 87, 035143 (2013). [5] L.F. Tocchio, C. Gros, R. Valenti, F. Becca, Phys. Rev. B 89, 235107 (2014) Full abstract (.pdf)

30.3.2015 (14:30, cajna soba): Luca Tochhio (SISSA) Spin liquids, collinear- and spiral-order phases in the anisotropic triangular lattice,

We study the competition between magnetic and spin-liquid phases in the Hubbard model on the anisotropic triangular lattice, which is described by two hop- ping parameters in different spatial directions, and is relevant for layered organic charge-transfer salts and for the inorganic compounds Cs2CuBr4 and Cs2CuCl4 [1,2]. By using variational wave functions which include both Jastrow and back- flow terms, we provide solid evidence that two spin-liquid phases are stabilized in the strongly correlated regime, while states with spiral magnetic order and a non trivial pitch vector are found close to the isotropic point. Two different kinds of collinear orders are found in a wide region of the phase diagram close, respectively, to the limits of square lattice and decoupled one-dimensional chains. We also introduce another family of organic charge-transfer salts where a fully anisotropic triangular-lattice description produces importantly different results, including a significant lowering of the critical U of the spin-liquid phase.[3] [1] Tocchio, Feldner, Becca, Valenti, Gros, PRB 87, 035143 (2013). [2] Tocchio, Gros, Valenti, Becca, PRB 89, 235107 (2014). [3] Jacko, Tocchio, Jeschke, Valenti, PRB 88, 155139 (2013).
Full abstract (.pdf)

7.4.2015 15h: Jaksa Vucicevic (University of Belgrade), Mott quantum criticality and bad metal behavior

Quantum critical scaling is an ubiquitous phenomenon accompanying zero-temperature phase transitions, but its prominence in the context of finite temperature (first-order) transitions and connection with bad metal behavior have not been clarified until recently. We solve the Hubbard model by means of single-site dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to show that even though the Mott metal-insulator transition here is of the first order, at sufficiently high temperatures a typical quantum critical behavior is recovered. Our results display striking agreement with measurements on Kappa-organic materials, where the system can be tuned through a finite temperature Mott transition by varying pressure. We also consider the doping driven Mott transition and find that the associated quantum critical region matches perfectly the region of bad metallic behavior, where resistivity is around (and above) the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit and is linear in temperature. In this regime, the linearity and slope of the temperature dependence of resistivity can be simply explained by the presence of quantum critical scaling, and the full DMFT result is quantitatively reproduced by a simple semi-phenomenological formula. The results are found to be in agreement with the high temperature (200-1000K) behavior in cuprate films, which we believe can be traced back to the presence of a hidden Mott transition at zero temperature.

Full abstract (.pdf)
14.4.2015 14h15 (cajna soba) Taegeun Song (ICTP, Trieste), Quantum shuttling with Lorentz back-action

Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) systems are attracting much interest not only be- cause of its divers potential to the application for useful nano-devices but also due to being an efficient tool for modern nano-electronics. In the Coulomb block regime, a movable nano-sized conductor shows interesting one-by-one elec- tron transfer phenomenon due to the finite energy pumping originated from the Coulomb interaction, so called, the shuttling process.[1] In this talk, I will intro- duce two shuttling devices which are governed by Lorentz back-action: Kondo shuttling device[2] and shuttle-promoted current switching device[3]. The Kondo- shuttling device, I will discuss the dynamical properties and possibility of the experimental realization of the dynamical Kondo-cloud probe by using high me- chanical dissipation tunability. For current switching device, the perspective on practical NEM application based on Lorentz back-action will be discussed.
[1] R. I. Shekhter, L. Y. Gorelik, I. V. Krive, M. N. Kiselev, A. V. Parafilo, and M. Jonson, Nanoelectromechanical Systems, 1, 1 (2013).
[2] T. Song, M. N. Kiselev, K. Kikoin, R. I. Shekhter, and L. Y. Gorelik, New J. of Phys. 16, 033043 (2014).
[3] T. Song, L. Y. Gorelik, R. I. Shekhter, M. N. Kiselev, and K. Kikoin. arXiv:1502.07524 (2015).

9.6.2015 15h00 (seminarska soba za fiziko) Jan Kogoj (F1-IJS), Non-equilibrium Optical Conductivity of the Holstein Polaron

Time-resolved ultra-fast spectroscopy is a powerful experimental technique, enabling the study of solids far from equilibrium. Recent advances have pushed the time resolution to extremely short time scales, much shorter than typical phonon oscillation period. It is thus illusory to expect that the system is in (thermal) equilibrium the whole time during probing. It is of utter importance that one knows which theories are applicable at which time scale in order to resolve a dilemma whether one should use strictly non-equilibrium concepts or are (quasi) equilibrium theories justified as well. We follow the time evolution of a Holstein polaron after a quantum quench, imitating the photo-excitation in ultra-fast spectroscopy. We observe that selected properties indicate relaxation of the system from a highly excited state towards a steady state, dependent only on the total energy of the system. After fairly short times, calculated optical conductivity matches quite well with the thermal form with a well defined effective temperature, however, different initial states with equal total energy result in different effective temperatures. The system under investigation therefore does not thermalise in a strict sense despite exhibiting many signatures characteristic of thermalisation.

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