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Clifford Space as a Possible Clue to the Unification of  Fundamental Interactions

Geometric calculus based on Clifford algebra is a very useful mathematical tool for description of physics. In addition, it enables formulation of a new theory  in which  the 4-dimensional spacetime is replaced by a more general, 16-dimensional space, called Clifford space (C-space). This is a space whose elements are not only points, but also lines, areas, 3-volumes and 4-volumes.  Such generalization brings many  new theoretical possibilities that are being explored.

If we release the constraint of flat C-space, then we encounter a fascinating possibility, namely that curved C-space provides a realization of  Kaluza-Klein theory [ ], and since all of its 16 dimensions are by assumption physically observable, there is no need for compactification of the ``extra'' dimensions.

The concept of C-space is related to the concept of the configuration space associated with the extended objects, the so called branes. [See
A Summary of the Concept of the Configuration Space Associated with Extended Objects (Branes) ].   

A Brief Summary of  the Concept of Clifford Space

Extended Relativity 1

Extending Relativity 2

Extending Relativity 3

A Summary of the Concept of the Configuration Space Associated with Extended Objects (Branes)

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