Research (prof. dr. Sasa Prelovsek Komelj)

(name used for publications: Sasa Prelovsek)

List of publications from inSPIRE

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Current Ph.D. students: Mitja Sadl, Ivan Vujmilović

Research interests:

theoretical aspects of elementary particle physics

quantum field theory on the lattice

Quantum Field Theory on the Lattice is essential for the theoretical studies of Quantum Field Theories where coupling constant is not small. In this case, most of hadronic properties can not be calculated by conventional perturbative expansion via summation of Feynman diagrams. A prime example in the Standard Model is Quantum Chromodynamics, which is the fundamental theory of interactions between quarks and gluons. Quantum Chromodynamics on the Lattice is based directly on the Chromodynamics and the only parameters are those that already appear in the fundamental theory: quark masses and the strong coupling constant. In this case, the hadron properties are calculated by numerical evaluation of Feynman path integrals on finite and discretized space-time - i.e. lattice. Several interesting theories beyond the Standard Model also contain new forms of strong interactions that require non-perturbative approaches like lattice simulations.

Current research interest: hadronic properties using Quantum ChromoDynamics on the Lattice

Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is a theory of strong interactions between quarks, which are the basic building blocks of the Nature.

Topics currently explored using lattice QCD:

Topics previously exploreded using lattice QCD:

Focus on during PhD: searching for New Physics in rare charm decays

Explored with non-lattice theoretical tools:


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