
Self-Assembly & Properties of Complex Patterns

Part of the EU Project MRTN-CT-2004-005728 PATTERNS

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(to be completed)

Location & Dates

Dates: 3 September 2006 - 6 September2006
Location: Congress Center Bernardin, Portoroz, Slovenia
Subject area: Statistical Physics, Complex Dynamical Systems ;
Topic: Physics and Chemistry of Complex Patterns


The purpose of the workshop is to bring together the working groups of the EU-funded Marie Curie network "Unifying Principles of Non-Equilibrium Pattern Formation" (PATTERNS) to provide a focussed forum for discussions. Bridging theory and experiment, the invited and contributed talks will span theoretical principles underlying self-assembly and self-organization, fluid dynamics, and graph theory, on the one side, and practical assembly processes in the physics and chemistry of nanostructured materials, thin films, and polymers, on the other.


  • Self-Assembly Processes in Physics, Chemistry & Biology
  • Self-Organized States far from Equilibrium
  • Fluid Dynamics Instabilities & Patterning
  • Nano-Materials & Nano-Bio-Heterostructures
  • Cellular, Molecular & Other Networks
  • Nanoscale Modelling & Simulations





The workshop is open to all to attend, but the number is limited to 50 participants, and hose wishing to attend should apply early.


Bosiljka Tadic: Program
Theoretical Physics Department, J. Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia ; Phone: +38614773767; FAX: +38614773724
David Corcoran: Finance
Physics Department University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Phone: +353 (0)61 202509; FAX: +353 (0)61 202423
Local Organizars:

Bosiljka Tadic; Milovan Suvakov; Zoran Levnajic, J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Advisory Board

Philip Moriarty Nanoscience Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham
Uwe Thiele Max-Planck-Institut f�r Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden
Ullrich Steiner Nanoscience Centre, University of Cambridge
Harm Rotermund Surface Imaging/Non-linear Surface Dynamics Group, Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin
Jacques MeunierLaboratoire de Physique Statistique �cole Normale Sup�rieure Paris
Mathias BrustCentre for Nanoscale Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool

Conference Fee

Registration fee 300 EUR for PATTERNS members. A reduced fee of 200 EUR applies for external delegates and 100 EUR for external students. The fee is covering: welcome drink, use of the conference room, coffee breaks, gala dinner, gift item, and pays for administration and visiting speaker costs.

Payment Details:
Sort Code 986050
Account 11090064
Name University of Limerick No 1 Current Account
IBAN IE94 ULSB 9860 5011 0900 64
Name of Bank Ulster Bank Univeristy Branch
Address Castletroy, Limerick


Extended abstract of one full page including Title, Authors details, Text with one representative Figure and References to be uploaded by the Registration. Template Latex file is provided
Latex_file to unify the style, here is an Example_page .



Hotel complex
St. Bernardin offers accomodation in five-star, four-star and three-star hotels. The prices, on the basis of a minimum of five days stay, are:

Half board (includes dinner) in double room single use:
GH Bernardin: 105 EUR ; H Histrion: 85 EUR ; H Vile Park: 69 EUR
Half board (includes dinner) in double room sharing:
GH Bernardin: 80 EUR ; H Histrion: 60 EUR ; H Vile Park: 50 EUR

Otherwise normal price including 10% reduction for the conference guests:
Bed & Brekfast in double room single use:
GH Bernardin: 135EUR ; H Histrion: 99 EUR ; H Vile Park: 81 EUR
Bed & Brekfast in double room sharing:
GH Bernardin: 79 EUR ; H Histrion: 63 EUR ; H Vile Park: 54 EUR


P. Beton (Nottingham)

M. Brust (Liverpool)

Z. Konstatinovic (Barcelona)

D. Mihailovic (Ljubljana)  

A. Mikhailov (Berlin)

M. P. Pileni (Paris)

V. Priezzhev (Dubna)

G.J. Rodgers (Uxbridge)

U. Steiner (Cambridge)

U. Thiele (Dresden)






D. Corcoran (Limerick)

P. Moriarty (Nottingham)

H. Rotermund (Berlin)

B. Tadic (Ljubljana)

Photo by B.Tadic: Regata in Portoroz June 2005

Modified: March 13, 2006 by Bosiljka.Tadic