descriptions see papers
Contrary to the widespread belief, negative
energies do not automatically imply instabilities and
runaway behavior of physical systems.
On 23 September 2011, CERN reported the finding
faster than light muon neutrinos. If this is confirmed,
then there will
be a need to consider a suitable modification of the
theory of
relativity. Here let me point out that there
already exist
several theories that allow for fasten that light
motion, and they all
contain the Einstein's special relativity as a special
case. The approaches a), b) and d) are considered together in Localized Propagating Tachyons in Extended Relativity Theories Adv.Appl.Clifford Algebras 23 (2013) 469-495 DOI:10.1007/s00006-013-0381-9 arXiv:1201.5755 [hep-th]. |
We investigate a model in which spinors are considered as being embedded within the Clifford algebra that operates on them. In Minkowski space M_{1,3}, we have four independent 4-component spinors, each living in a different minimal left ideal of Cl(1,3). We show that under space inversion, a spinor of one left ideal transforms into a spinor of another left ideal. This brings novel insight to the role of chirality in weak interactions. We demonstrate the latter role by considering an action for a generalized spinor field \psi^{\alpha i} that has not only a spinor index \alpha but also an extra index i running over four ideals. The covariant derivative of \psi^{\alpha i} contains the generalized spin connection, the extra components of which are interpreted as the SU(2) gauge fields of weak interactions and their generalization. We thus arrive at a system that is left-right symmetric due to the presence of a ``parallel sector", postulated a long time ago, that contains mirror particles coupled to mirror SU(2) gauge fields. Space
inversion of spinors
revisited: A possible explanation of chiral behavior
in weak
interactions |
The exceptional group E8 can arise in 16-dimensional Clifford space, a manifold whose tangent space is Clifford algebra Cl(1,3). The latter space besides an algebra is also a vector space V_{8,8} whose elements can be rotated into each other by means of the generators of SO(16) (or one of its non compact forms). The vectors of V_{8,8} generate Clifford algebra Cl(8,8) which contains the Lie algebra of E8 as a subspace. E8 thus arises from the fact that, just as in the spacetime M_4 there are r-volumes, r=0,1,2,3,3, generated by the the tangent vectors of the spacetime, there are R-volumes, R=0,1,2,...,16, in the Clifford space C, generated by the tangent vectors of C. A
view on the physical origin of E8 |
These ideas appeared in the paper Kaluza-Klein
without Extra Dimensions: Curved Clifford Space
Letters B 614,
85-95 (2005) |
I have found that the currently fashionable ideas
about the Heisenberg
picture (as being more fundamental than the Schroedinger
picture) are quite in agreement with what I
say about quantum
and the (Lorentz) invariant evolution parameter
$\tau$. One only needs
to ``slightly" enlarge spacetime. Instead of
4-dimensional spacetime
has to take 16-dimensional Clifford
i.e., the space of p-loops that enclose p+1-areas
the ordinary points). [See the papers by
C.Castro, W.
M. Pavsic, and A.Aurilia] Here I
see a possible
to the loop approach to quantum gravity.] In Clifford
space we have the
constrained theory, no evolution, Heisenberg picture,
etc., whilst in
we have a reduced, unconstrained, theory with
evolution (as considered
by Fock, Stueckelberg, Feynman, Horwitz, and others).
Clifford space (shortly C-space) 16
components of
are constrained to a generalized mass shell, whilst
in spacetime four
of the ordinary 4-momentum can be considered as
being unconstrained
we are considering a reduced theory, a reduced
action). Upon
Gupta-Bleuler quantization the constraint becomes
the Klein-Gordon
in C-space. Upon quantization of the
reduced action we
the Schroedinger equation in the reduced space
(a subspace of
is 4-dimensional spacetime). In fact, the
Schroedinger equation
the reduced space is a generalized Stueckelberg
equation and it
the ordinary Stueckelberg equation as a special case).
Moreover the
proper time formalism is widely recognized as a very
useful tool. It
a ``fictitious" evolution parameter $\tau$. In my
scheme the latter
is not fictitious, it is a genuine evolution
parameter. The same
parameter would also appear in a generalization of the
theory that
take into account the dynamics of the metric
tensor. All the nice features of relativity (such as reparametrization invariance, ``block universe", Heisenberg picture, Lorentz transformations, etc.) still hold: not in spacetime, but in C-space. What is nice here is that we have not added extra dimensions to spacetime. We have merely considered the geometric structure, the Clifford bundle, that sits at every point of spacetime. There exists a paper ``Quantum Entanglement in Time" (by C. Brukner at al.) eprint quant-ph/0402127 in which the authors have found a very strange connection between past and future: the very act of measuring the photon polarization a second time can affect how it was polarized earlier on (see also ``The weirdest link", New Scientist, 27 March 2004, p.32). They suggest that ``the difference between the spatial and temporal structure may ultimately be fundamental, or it may be an indication that we need a deeper theory in which the two need to be treated on a more equal footing (quantum field theory does not suffice in this sense).'' A ``deeper'' theory is considered in my works on the Stueckelberg theory briefly described above. For more information see papers on Relativistic Dynamics , book , and papers on Clifford algebra. Namely, the essence of the Stueckelberg theory, as investigated in my works, is that space and the so called coordinate time are indeed treated on a more equal footing. In addition, in the Stueckelberg theory there occurs yet another time, the so called evolution time. Therefore, in the Stueckelberg theory two kinds of entanglement in time are theoretically possible: that due to Bruckenr at al. (which is now the entanglement in evolution time), and the entanglement in spacetime (which is analogous to the usual entanglement). |
If we define momentum
operator geometrically
(derivative) The expectation value for the momentum operator in
space Vn
is defined straightforwardly. We have shown that -using the formalism of Clifford algebra- the intergation over a vector field in curved space is well defined : Vectors at different points x of Vn are all brought together into a chosen point x' by means of parallel transport along the geodesic joining x and x'. Usage of the generators of Clifford algebra as basis vectors enables to write such integral in a very compact notation (see paper). An illustration of such vector
integral for the
case of sphere is given here: Html Pdf
Ps Ppt .