Name: Bosiljka Tadic
Professor of Theoretical Physics, J. Stefan Institute
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Other Activities: Photography; Writing Poetry; SPORTS: Skiing; Chess
Reviews/Mass Media:
B. Tadic, U. Nowak, K.D. Usadel, R. Ramaswamy, and S. Padlewski, Scaling behavior in disordered sandpile automata, Physical Review A Vol. 45, p.8536 (1992)
B. Tadic, Dynamics of frustrated cellular automata, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 172-174, p. 501 (1994).
S. Luebeck, K.D. Usadel, and B. Tadic, Fractal properties of relaxation clusters and phase transition in a stochastic sandpile automaton, p.47, in Fractal Reviews in the Natural and Applied Sciences, ed. M.M. Novak, Chapman \& Hall, London (1995).
B. Tadic and R. Ramaswamy, Criticality in driven cellular automata with defects, Physica A Vol. 224, p. 188 (1996).
S. Luebeck, B. Tadic, and K.D. Usadel, Nonequilibrium phase transition and self-organized criticality in a sandpile model with stochastic dynamcis, Physical Review E Vol. 53, p.2182 (1996).
B. Tadic and R. Ramaswamy, Defects in self-organized criticality: A coupled map lattice model, Physical Review E Vol. 54, p. 3157 (1996).
S. Luebeck, K.D. Usadel, and B. Tadic, Self-Organized Criticality and Phase Transition in a Stochastic Sandpile Automaton, in Trafic and Granular Flow, editors D.E. Wolf and M. Schreckenberg, World Scientific, Singapur, (1996).
B. Tadic and D. Dhar, Emergent spatial structures in critical sandpiles, Physical Review Letters Vol. 79, p.1519 (1997) .
B. Tadic, Temporally disordered granular flow: A model of landslides, Physical Review E Vol.57, p.4357 (1998).
B. Tadic, Scale-free dissipation and dynamic phase transition in stochastic sandpiles, Physical Review E Vol. 59, p.1452 (1999) .
B. Tadic, Time distribution and loss of scaling in granular flow, European Physical Journal B Vol. 7, p.619 (1999).
B. Tadic and V. Priezzhev, Scaling of avalanche queues in directed dissipative sandpiles, Physical Review E Vol. 62, p.3266 (2000).
B. Tadic and V. Priezzhev, Queuing in critical sandpiles, Proceedings of Granada Seminar on Computational Physics: Modelling Complex Systems , Granada (2000), page 111 in "Modeling Complex Systems", Editors P. L. Garrido and J. Marro, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 574, page 111 Melville, New York, 2001..
B. Tadic, A. Shapoval, M. Snirman, Self-organized dynamics beyond scaling of avalanches: Cyclic stress fluctuations in critical sandpiles, arxive (2023)
B. Tadic, A. Shapoval, M. Snirman, Signatures of self-organized dynamics in rapidly driven critical sandpiles, Physical Review E 110, 054203 (2024) link...
B. Tadic, Nonuniversal scaling behavior of Barkhausen noise, Physical Review Letters Vol. 77, p.3843 (1996).
B. Tadic, Self-organized criticality in disordered systems, Philosophical Magazine B Vol. 77, p. 277 (1998).
B. Tadic, Disorder-induced critical behavior in driven diffusive systems, Physical Review E Vol. 58, p. 168 (1998).
B. Tadic, Dynamic criticality in driven disordered systems: Role of depinning and driving rate in Barkhausen noise, Physica A Vol. 270, p. 125 (1999).
B. Tadic and U. Nowak, Barkhausen avalanches in anisotropic ferromagnets with $180^0$ domain walls, Physical Review E Vol. 61, p.4610 (2000).
B. Tadic, Correlations of triggering noise in driven magnetic clusters, Physica A Vol. 282, p.362 (2000).
B. Tadic: Domain Wall Dynamics and Scaling of Barkhausen Noise in Ferroelectrics Based on talk at "3rd Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity", Hong Kong, 2000, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 259, p. 3 (2001).
B. Tadic, Switching Current Noise and Relaxation of Ferroelectric Domains, European Physical Journal B, Vol. 28, p. 81-89 (2002).
F.-J. Perez-Reche, B. Tadic, L. Manosa, A. Planes, and E. Vives, Driving rate effects in avalanche-mediated first-order phase transitions, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 93, 195701 (2004), cond-mat/0406098
B. Tadic, Multifractal structure of Barkhausen noise: A signature of collective dynamics at hysteresis loop, Arxiv: 1511.06118
B. Tadic, Multifractal analysis of Barkhausen noise reveals the dynamic nature of criticality at hysteresis loop, Published in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment June 2016, p. 063305
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, N. Gupte, Structure of simplicial complexes of graphs representing magnetisation reversal time series Pramana (2017)
B. Tadic, Dynamical implications of sample shape for avalanches in 2-dimensional random-field Ising model with saw-tooth domain wall , Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 493, pp. 330-341 (2018)
B. Tadic, S. Mijatovic, S. Janicevic, D. Spasojevic, G.Rodgers The critical Barkhausen avalanches in thin random-field ferromagnets with an open boundary, available on (2018); Published in Nature:ScientificReports 9:6340 (2019) more...
S. Mijatovic, S. Graovac, D. Spasojevic, B. Tadic, Tuneable hysteresis loop and multifractal oscillations of magnetization in weakly disordered antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic bilayers, Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 141, 115319 (2022)
D. Spasojevic, S. Janicevic, B. Tadic, Hysteresis-loop phenomena in disordered ferromagnets with demagnetizing field and finite temperature , Physical Review E 110, 014133 (2024)
D. Spasojevic, S. Janicevic, S. Mijatovic, B. Tadic, Hysteresis-Loop Criticality in Disordered Ferromagnets–A Comprehensive Review of Computational Techniques , Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2024.057884 (2024)
B. Tadic, K. Malarz, and K. Kulakowski, Magnetization reversal in spin patterns with complex geometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 94, 137204 (2005)
K. Malarz, W. Antosiewicz, J. Karpinska, K. Kulakowski, and B. Tadic, Avalanches in complex spin networks, Physica A Vol. 373, pp. 785-795 (2007)
M.O. Blunt, M. Suvakov, F. Pulizzi, C.P. Martin, E. Pauliac-Vaujour, A. Stannard, A. W. Rushfort, B. Tadic, and P. Moriarty, Electronic Transport in Cellular Nanoparticle Networks: Meandering through Nanoscale Meazes, Nano Letters Vol. 7, pp. 855-860 (2007) more ...
M. Suvakov and B. Tadic, Simulation of the Electron Tunneling Paths in Networks of Nano-Particle Films,Y. Shi et al. Eds., ICCS 2007, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4488, pp. 641-648 (2007)
B. Tadic and M. Suvakov, Multiscale network models of nano-materials , Proceedings SFKM 2007, Institute of Physics Belgrade, 2007.
B. Tadic, From Microscopic Rules to Emergent Cooperativity in Large-Scale Patterns, chapter in Book Systems Self-Assembly: Multidisciplinary Snapshots, Eds. N. Krasnogor et al., Elsevier (2008)
M. Suvakov and B. Tadic, Collective Charge Fluctuations in Single-Electron Processes on Nano-Networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/02/P02015
M.O. Blunt, A. Stannard, E. Pauliac-Vaujour, C.P. Martin, I. Vancea, M. Suvakov, U. Thiele, B. Tadic and P. Moriarty Patterns and Pathways in Nanoparticle Selforganization, in The Oxford Handbook of Nanoscience and Technology, Volume I: Basic Aspects, Chapter 8, pp. 214-248, Eds. A.V. Narlikar and Y.Y. Wu, Oxford University Press, in press, ISBN 978-0-19-953304-6
M. Suvakov and B. Tadic, Modelling Collective Charge Transport in Nanoparticle Assemblies, Journal of Physics Condensed MatterVol.22, 163201 (2010)
J. Zivkovic, M. Mitrovic, L. Janssen, H.Heuss, B. Tadic and S. Speller, Network theory approach for data evaluation in the dynamic force spectroscopy of biomolecular interactions, Europhysics Letters vol. 89, 68004 (2010)
G. Trefalt, B. Tadic and M. Kosec, Formation of Colloidal Assemblies in Suspensions for $Pb(Mg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ Synthesis: Monte Carlo Simulations Study , Soft Matter Vol. 7, pp.5566-5577 (2011)
B. Tadic, M. Suvakov and G. Trefalt, Modelling Structure of Colloidal Assemblies: methodology and Examples, Proc. 11th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering CMMSE 2011, Ed. J. Vigo Aguiar, ISBN: 978-84-614-6167-7, pp. 1097-1103, 2011.
J. Zivkovic and B. Tadic, Nanonetworks: The graph theory framework for modeling nanoscale systems, review article, Nanosystems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 30-48 (2013)
G. Trefalt, B. Tadic, B. Malic, Modeling of Colloidal Suspensions for the Synthesis of the Ferroelectric Oxides with Complex Chemical Composition chapter 4 in book Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics: Key Processing and Characterization Issues, and Nanoscale Effects, Volume I & II, Editors:Editor(s): Miguel Algueró, J. Marty Gregg, Liliana Mitoseriu, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,DOI: 10.1002/9781118935743 Published March 25, 2016
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, M. Suvakov, The influence of architecture on collective charge transport in nanoparticle assemblies revealed by the fractal time series and topology of phase space manifolds , Arxiv: 1512.06573Published in Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics, Volume 4, Number 1, April 2016, pp. 30-42(13)
B. Tadic, Geometrical interpretation of complex signals as a tool to study fluctuations at nanoscale, in Proceddings CMMSE 2016 , pp. 1193-1196 , Eds. J. Vigo-Aguiar et al., ISBN 978-84-608-6082-2 (2016)
M. Suvakov, M. Andjelkovic, B. Tadic, Hidden geometries in networks arising from cooperative self-assembly SCIENTIFIC REPORTS vol.8, Article number 1987 (2018) OA
M. Mitrovic Dankulov, B. Tadic, R. Melnik Spectral properties of hyperbolic nano-networks with tunable aggregation of simplexes, Physical Review E vol 100, article 012309-1-10 (2019); arxiv version...
B. Tadic, M. Suvakov, M. Andjelkovic, G.J. Rodgers, Topology of nanonetworks grown by aggregation of simplexes with defects , available on
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, M. Suvakov, G.J. Rodgers Magnetisation Processes in Geometrically Frustrated Spin Networks with Self-Assembled Cliques, Entropy 22(3), 336 (2020)
B. Tadic, M. Suvakov, M. Andjelkovic, G.J. Rodgers, Large-scale influence of defect bonds in geometrically constrained self-assembly Phys. Rev. E 102:032307 (2020)
B. Tadic, N. Gupte, Hidden geometry and dynamics of complex networks: Spin reversal in nanoassemblies with pairwise and triangle-based interactions / published in Europhysics Letter 132 (2020)60008
M. Chutani, B. Tadic, N. Gupte, Hysteresis and synchronization processes of Kuramoto oscillators on high-dimensional simplicial complexes with the competing simplex-encoded couplings arxiv:2106.04355; published in Phys. Rev. E 104, 034206 (2021)
S. Sahoo, B. Tadic, M. Chutani, N. Gupte, Effect of hidden geometry and higher-order interactions on the synchronization and hysteresis behavior of phase oscillators on 5-clique simplicial assemblies Phys. Rev. E 108, 034309 (2023)
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, B.M. Boskoska, Z. Levnajic, Algebraic Topology of Multi-Brain Connectivity Networks Reveals Dissimilarity in Functional Patterns during Spoken Communications, PLOS ONE Vol 11(11), e0166787 (2016) Open Access
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, Algebraic topology of multi-brain graphs: Methods to study the social impact and other factors onto functional brain connections, in Proceedings of BELBI 2016
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, M. Suvakov, Origin of hyperbolicity in brain-to-brain coordination networks, FRONTIERS in PHYSICS vol.6, ARTICLE{10.3389/fphy.2018.00007}, (2018) OA
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, R. Melnik, Functional Geometry of Human Connectomes published in ScientificReports Nature:ScientificReports 9:12060 (2019) previous version: Functional Geometry of Human Connectome and Robustness of Gender Differences, arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.03399 April 6, 2019
M. Andjelkovic, B. Tadic, R. Melnik, The topology of higher-order complexes associated with brain-function hubs in human connectomes , available on, published in Scientific Reports 10:17320 (2020)
B. Tadic, M. Chutani, N. Gupte, Multiscale fractality in partial synchronization on simplicial complexes around brain hubs, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 160, 112201 (2022)
B. Tadic, R. Melnik, Modeling latent infection transmissions through biosocial stochastic dynamics , preprint available on medRxiv doi:; published in PLOS One 15(10): e0241163 (2020)
B. Tadic, R. Melnik, Microscopic dynamics modeling unravels the role of asymptomatic virus carriers in SARS-CoV-2 epidemics at the interplay between biological and social factors , preprint available on medRxiv doi: ; Published in Computers in Biology and Medicine 133: 104422 (2021)
M. M. Dankulov, B. Tadic, R. Melnik, Worldwide clustering and infection cycles as universal features of multiscale stochastic processes in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic , medRxiv 2021.12.20.21268095 (2021)
M. M. Dankulov, B. Tadic, R. Melnik, Analysis of worldwide time-series data reveals some universal patterns of evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. ,Front. Phys. 2022
M. M. Dankulov, B. Tadic, R. Melnik, Robust Global Trends during Pandemics: Analysing the Interplay of Biological and Social Processes,Dynamics 2023, 3(4), 764-776 (2023)
J. Grujic, M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Mixing patterns and communities on bipartite graphs on web-based social interactions, Proceedings of Digital Signal Processing, 2009 16th International Conference, 5-7 July 2009, Santorini, Greece, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3297-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICDSP.2009.5201238 Current Version Published: 2009-08-18
M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Bloggers Behavior and Emergent Communities in Blog Space, Eur. Phys. Journal B, vol. 73, pp. 293-301 (2010) online...
M. Mitrovic, G. Paltoglou and B. Tadic, Networks and Emotion-Driven User Communities at Popular Blogs, Eur. Phys. J. B Vol. 77, pp. 597-609 (2010)
M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Emergence and Structure of Cybercommunities , Handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks Theory and Applications, part 2 "Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks", Eds. M.T. Thai and P. Pardalos, Springer, "Optimization and its Applications", Vol.57, Part 2, pp. 209--227, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-0754-6_8 , January 2012
M. Suvakov, D. Garcia, F. Schweitzer, and B. Tadic, Agent-based simulations of emotion spreading in online social networkscond-mat/1205.6278
M. Suvakov, M. Mitrovic, V. Gligorijevic and B. Tadic, How the online social networks are used: Dialogs-based structure of MySpace J. Royal Society Interface Vol. 10 (2012) 20120819 online version
V. Gligorijevic, M. Skowron and B. Tadic, Directed networks of online chats: Content-based linking and social structure, pp. 725-730 in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2012, Sorrento, Italy, November 25 - 29, 2012, K. Yetongnon, R. Chbeir, A. Dipanda, L. Gallo, and G. De Pietro (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, isbn 978-0-7695-4911-8, 2012
V. Gligorijevic, M. Skowron and B. Tadic, Structure and stability of online chat networks built on emotion-carrying links, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 392, Issue 3, 1 February 2013, Pages 538-543 ,
B. Tadic, Modeling behavior of Web users as agents with reason and sentiment, Book chapter, in press Advances in Computational Modeling Research: Theory, Developments and Applications, A.B. Kora (Ed.), Novapublishing, N.Y., 2013, ISBN: 978-1-62618-065-9
B. Tadic and M. Suvakov Can Human-Like Bots Control Collective Mood: Agent-Based Simulations of Online Chats,, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment JSTAT P10014 (2013)
B. Tadic, V. Gligorijevic, M. Mitrovic, and M. Suvakov, Co-Evolutionary Mechanisms of Emotional Bursts in Online Social Dynamics and Networks, Entropy vol. 15, pp. 5084-5120 (2013), doi:10.3390/e15125084
B. Tadic, V. Gligorijevic, M. Skowron, and M. Suvakov, The dynamics of emotional chats with Bots: Experiment and agent-based simulations, Science Jet , Vol. 3 (2014) Id=50 open access
V. Gligorijevic, M. Suvakov, B. Tadic, Building Social Networks in Online Chats with Users, Agents and Bots, chapter nine in Complex Networks and their Applications, ed. H. Cherifi, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014, ISBN(13) 978-1-4438-5370-5
B. Tadic, V. Gligorijevic, M. Suvakov, The Structure of Emotional Dialogs in Online Social Networks: High-Arousal Clustering TABIS Proceedings, Institute of Physics, Belgrade 2014
M. Suvakov, B. Tadic, Collective Emotion Dynamics in Chats with Agents, Moderators and Bots, Cond. Matt. Phys. Vol.17, No.3, 33801:1-12 (2014) DOI:10.5488/CMP.17.33801
M. Andjelkovic, B. Tadic, S. Maltic, M. Rajkovic, Hierarchical sequencing of online social graphs Physica A, vol. 436, pp. 582-595 (2015), doi:10.1016/j.physa.2015.05.075; alt. arXiv:1410.7259
B. Tadic, M. Suvakov, D. Garcia, and F. Schweitzer Agent-based simulations of emotional dialogs in the online social network MySpace, book chapter (Springer, in press)
M. Mitrovic Dankulov, R. Melnik, B. Tadic, The dynamics of meaningful social interactions and the emergence of collective knowledge Sci.Reports 5, 12197 doi:10.1038/srep12197 (2015)
M. Andjelkovic, B. Tadic, M. Mitrovic Dankulov, M. Rajkovic, R. Melnik, Topology of Innovation Spaces in the Knowledge Networks Emerging through Questions-And-Answers PLOS ONE 11(5): e0154655 (2016) OpenAccess
B. Tadic, M. Suvakov, D. Garcia, F. Schweitzer, Agent-Based Simulations of Emotional Dialogs in the Online Social Network MySpace, chapter 12 in Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace, Edts. Holyst, J., Springer, (2017) 207-229 more...
B. Tadic, LOGICAL INTERACTIONS IN AN EXPANDED SPACE, in Visions for Complexity, Edts. S. Thurner, World Scientific, (2017) more...
B. Tadic, M. Mitrovic Dankulov, R. Melnik, The mechanisms of self-organised criticality in social processes of knowledge creation Published in Physical Review E , 96 (2017) 032307 link to the journal
B. Tadic, Myspace entry in The SAGE Encyclopedia of the InternetEdts. Barney Warf, SAGE Publications, Inc., (2018) 656-658
B. Tadic, Self-Organised Criticality and Emergent Hyperbolic Networks--Blueprint for Complexity in Social Dynamics, online version: European Journal of Physics40:024002 (2019)
B. Tadic, M. M. Dankulov, R. Melnik Evolving cycles and self-organised criticality in social dynamics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 171, 113459 (2023)
B. Tadic, Dynamics of directed graphs: the world-wide Web, Physica A Vol. 293, p. 273-284 (2001); also available on:
B. Tadic, Access time of an adaptive random walk on the world-wide Web, available on this URL:
B. Tadic, Adaptive Random Walks on the Class of Web Graphs, European Physical Journal B, Vol. 23, p. 221-228 (2001)
B. Tadic, Temporal fractal structures: Origin of power-laws in the world-wide Web , Physica A Vol. 314, p. 278-283 (2002) , available on cond-mat/0112047
B. Tadic, Growth and Structure of the World-Wide Web: Towards Relaistic Moleding , Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 147, p. 586-589 (2002) ; available on this_URL
B. Tadic and V. Priezhev, Voltage Distribution in Growing Conducting Networks , European Physical Journal B Rapid Note, Vol. 30, p. 143-146 (2002) available on cond-mat/0207100
B. Tadic and G.J. Rodgers, Packet Transport on Scale Free Networks , Advances in Complex Systems Vol. 5, p. 445-456 (2002); cond-mat/207228
B. Tadic, Exploring Complex Graphs by Random Walks, P. Garrido and J. Marro (Eds.), Modeling of complex systems:P Seventh Granada Lectures, Granada, Spain, AIP Conference Proceedings, {\bf 661}, pp. 24-26, Melville: American Institute of Physics, (2002).
B. Tadic, Modeling Traffic of Information Packets on Graphs with Complex Topology, P. Sloot et al., Eds., Computational Science --- ICCS 2003, International conference, Melburne, Australia, and St. Petersburg, Russia, 2-4 June 2003, Lecture notes in computer science, Part I, Vol. 2657, pp. 136-143, Springer, Berlin, (2003).
B. Tadic and S. Thurner, Information Super-Diffusion on Structured Networks, Physica A, Vol. 332, pp. 566-584 (2004); cond-mat/030767
B. Tadic, S. Thurner, and G. J. Rodgers, Traffic on complex networks: Towards understanding global statistical properties from microscopic density fluctuations, Physical Review E, Vol. 69, 036102 (2004)
B. Tadic, Guided Search and Distribution of Information Flow on Complex Graphs, LNCS, Vol. 3038, Part III, pp. 1086-1093, Springer,(2004)
B. Tadic, Traffic Noise on Complex Networks: Structure and Function Diagnostics, Proceedings SFKM2004, p.45, Eds. R. Zikic, Z. Popovic, M. Damnjanovic and Z. Radovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, (2004).>
J. Zivkovic, B. Tadic, M. Knezevic, N. Wick, and S. Thurner, Birth of the Giant Component in the Gene Expression Network of Yeast, Proceedings SFKM2004, p.60, Eds. R. Zikic, Z. Popovic, M. Damnjanovic and Z. Radovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, (2004).
B. Tadic and S. Thurner, Search and Topology Aspects in Transport on Scale-Free Networks, Physica A, Vol. 346, p.183 (2005)
B. Tadic, Structure of Flow and Noise on Functional Scale-Free Networks, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. p. 112, No. 162 (2006)
J. Zivkovic, B. Tadic, N. Wick, and S. Thurner, Statistical Indicators of Collective Behavior and Functional Clusters in Gene Expression Network of Yeast, European Physical Journal B Vol. 50, pp. 255-258 (2006)
F. Caruso, V. Latora, A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda, and B. Tadic, Olami-Feder-Christensen model on different networks, European Physical Journal B Vol. 50, pp. 243-247 (2006)
M. Suvakov and B. Tadic, Topology of Cell-Aggregated Planar Graphs, V.N. Alexandov et al. Eds., ICCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Part III, Vol. 3993, pp. 1098-1105, Springer, (2006)
B. Kujawski, J.G. Rodgers, and B. Tadic, Local Information Based Algorithms for Packet Transport on Complex Networks, V.N. Alexandov et al. Eds., ICCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part III, Vol. 3993, pp. 1024-1031, Springer (2006)
B. Tadic and S. Thurner, Traffic Noise and Maximum-Flow Spanning Trees on Growing and Static Networks, V.N. Alexandov et al. Eds., ICCS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part III, Vol. 3993, pp. 1016-1023, Springer, 2006
M. Suvakov and B. Tadic, Transport Processes on Homogeneous Planar Graphs with Scale-Free Loops, Physica A 372, pp. 354 (2006)
B. Tadic, G.J. Rodgers and S. Thurner, Transport on Complex Networks: Flow, Jamming and Optimization, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC), Vol. 17, Issue: 7, pp. 2363-2385 (2007)
B. Kujawski, B. Tadic and G.J. Rodgers, Preferential Behavior and Scaling in Diffusive Dynamics on Networks, New Journal of Physics Vol. 9, 154 (2007)
Z. Levnajic and B. Tadic, Dynamical Patterns in Scalefree Trees of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps, Y. Shi et al. Eds., ICCS 2007, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4488, pp. 633-640 (2007)
B. Kujawski, B. Tadic and G.J. Rodgers, Origin of Scaling on Networks, Structural Inhomogeneity and Preference in Dynamical Behavior,Proceedings of SPIE -- Volume 6601: Noise and Stochastics in Complex Systems and Finance, J. Kertesz, S. Bornholdt, R.N. Mantegna, Editors, 660107 (June 12, 2007)
Z. Levnajic and B. Tadic, Self-Organization in Trees and Motifs of Two-Dimensional Chaotic Maps with Time Delay, J. Stat. Mech. doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2008/03/P03003
M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Search for Weighted Subgraphs on Complex Networks with MLM, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5102 pp. 551-558 (2008).
B. Tadic and Z. Levnajic, Robust Dynamical Effects in Traffic and Chaotic Maps on Trees, Pramana - J. Phys. Vol. 70, No. 6, pp. 1099-1108 (2008) (Proceedings of the "Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics 2007"
M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Spectral and Dynamical Properties in Classes of Sparse Networks with Mesoscopic Inhomogeneity, arXiv:0809.4850v1Physical Review E, vol. 80, pp. 026123-1--12 (2009)link ...
B. Tadic and M. Mitrovic, Jamming and Correlation Patterns in Traffic of Information on Sparse Modular Networks, European Physical Journal B, e2009-00190-7 (2009) link...
J. Zivkovic, M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Correlation Patterns in Gene Expressions along the Cell Cycle of Yeast, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 207: Complex Networks, Eds. S. Fortunato et. al., pp. 23-34, Springer, 2009 , link...
Hong-Li Zeng, Yan-Dong Guo, Chen-Ping Zhu, M. Mitrovic and B. Tadic, Congestion patterns of traffic studied on Nanjing city dual graph Proceedings of Digital Signal Processing, 2009 16th International Conference, 5-7 July 2009, Santorini, Greece, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3297-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICDSP.2009.5201241 Current Version Published: 2009-08-18
B. Tadic and M. Mitrovic, Finding structure in Blogs: bipartite networks analysis, invited presentation, extended abstract in , VALUETOOLS '09 Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools , 2009
Z. Levnajic and B. Tadic, Stability and chaos in coupled two-dimensional maps on gene regulatory network of bacterium E. coli, CHAOS, vol. 20, p.033115 (2010) more...
B. Tadic and G.J. Rodgers, Modelling conflicts with cluster dynamics on networks , Physica A vol. 389, pp.5495-5502 (2010) online_version...
M. Andjelkovic, N. Gupte, B. Tadic, Hidden geometry of traffic jamming Phys. Rev. E vol. 91, 052817 (2015) 2015
B. Tadic, M. Andjelkovic, N. Gupte, Geometrical features of time series provide new perspectives on collective fluctuations in driven disordered systems, (2017)
B. Tadic, Cyclical Trends of Network Load Fluctuations in Traffic Jamming, Dynamics 2(4), 449-461 (2022)
B. Tadic, Renormalization-Group Theory of Critical Phenomena, (in Serbian) Diploma Thesis (Belgrade University, 1974).
S. Milo\v sevic, N. \v Svrakic, and B. Tadic, On the Compressible Ising Model Studied by the Renormalization Group Technique, Lett. Nuovo Cimento Vol. 14,p. 421 (1975).
B. Tadic, Renormalization-Group Analysis of the Critical Behavior of a Compressible Magnet Model (in Serbian) M.S. Thesis (Belgrade University, 1977).
S. Milo\v sevic, L. Sasv\'ari, and B. Tadic, Critical Behavior of the Compressible Magnet with Exchange Anisotropy, Z.Physik B Vol. 29, p. 139 (1978).
B. Tadic, Phase Transitions in Disordered Magnetic Systems and Spin Glasses, (in Serbian) Ph. D. Thesis (Belgrade University, 1980).
B. Tadic, Magnetic Correlations in Ferromagnets with Quenched Random Fields, Z. Physik B Vol. 41, 13 (1981).
L. Sasv\'ari and B. Tadic, Critical Behavior of Random Compressible Magnets, Z. Physik B Vol. 43, p. 163 (1981).
R. Pirc and B. Tadic, Critical Behavior of Systems with Quenched Random Transverse Fields, Physics Letters Vol 99A, p.325 (1983).
B. Tadic and R. Pirc, Two-point Correlations in Random Uniaxial Systems at Marginal Dimensionality, Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics Vol. 17, p.1023 (1984).
B. Tadic and D. Popovic, Crossover Effects Induced by Lattice Compressibility in Random Magnets, Z.~Physik B Vol. 55, p.61 (1984).
B. Tadic and R. Pirc, Crossover in Spin Systems with Correlated Random Fields, Physical Review B Vol. 30, p.2886 (1984).
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B. Tadic, R. Pirc, and R. Blinc, Probability distribution of local pol arization in quantum glasses, Physica B Vol. 168, p.85 (1991).
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S. Dattagupta, B. Tadic, R. Pirc, and R. Blinc, Relaxation dynamics of quantum spin glasses: Role of heat-bath coupling, Physical Review B Vol. 47, p.8801 (1993).
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